
Pre-Construction Management

One of the most important areas of management by REACON is the support of the client during the project preparation process. As part of the proposed activities, we provide comprehensive consulting services in the creation of concepts, construction design and detailed design. We deal with the verification of the adopted design assumptions, comparing them with the legal requirements, using all our acquired experience and engineering practice. At this stage, REACON team prepares a preliminary schedule and budget for the project and assesses, in detail, the risks connected with its implementation based, among other things, on the technical due diligence report on the property.


A Technical Due Diligence Report is a detailed document, covering the current status of the property and presenting potential risks, to which the client financing the project is exposed.

The scope of preparation of a due diligence report is developed on an individual basis with the client and relates to a specific investment project.  When creating a Due Diligence Report, the following issues are verified and checked, among others:

  • possibilities of land development on the basis of provisions of the local spatial development plan or land development conditions,
  • soil and water conditions in the investment area,
  • possibilities of transport, access to public roads and utilities.

REACON focuses on problems that may affect a potential investor in the future. The primary objective of preparing an audit and technical report documentation is to determine the suitability of a land property or development, as well as the potential costs associated with its further use. The technical due diligence report is a valuable and key material for the client at the stage of assessment of the profitability of the given project and finally the price negotiation too.


REACON offers a wide range of support to its clients from specialists in the field of construction project preparation. One of the directions of the team’s activities is detailed verification of the objectives of a construction project in terms of the proposed structural, material and functional solutions.

During the documentation analysis, they create a list of possible cost optimisations. Depending on the situation, they are able to suggest alternative solutions that, inter alia:

  • reduce construction costs,
  • increase the quality of the building in accordance with the adopted budget,
  • shorten the time of completion of the entire project or its individual stages.

REACON technical consultancy is based on extensive practical experience, proven and reliable solutions and constant monitoring of new technologies and material solutions introduced to the market.


The verification of design documentation, carried out by experienced engineers with the required licences, is one of the basic activities undertaken during the Pre-Construction stage, which includes the project preparation process. From the point of view of the whole construction process, it is one of the most important stages, at which key decisions are made regarding the future method of implementation of the project, its budget, schedule and ultimately its success.

During the Pre-Construction phase, REACON specialists closely cooperate with the client and the project team, working out the best possible solutions. They deal with, among other things, preparing cost estimates and drawing up construction schedules, as well as providing advice on budget determination. At the same time, they support their clients in obtaining all the necessary permits and represent the client in dealings with public administration authorities.

The important elements of the project preparation process include the preparation and holding of a tender for the selection of a contractor for particular scopes of works. REACON guarantees a contractor selection which is in accordance with the law and which is optimally adapted to the client’s needs based on proven procedures and ready tender materials.

Pre – construction management | KEY PROCESSES

  • consultancy at the stage of creation of the concept, construction and tender design
  • verification of design assumptions in terms of formal requirements (e.g. land development plan, land development conditions, official and administrative issues, technical conditions),
  • development and verification of the general schedule for the project,
  • preparation and verification of a draft budget for the project,
  • preparation and holding of the tender procedure for selection of a work contractor,
  • analysis and statement of the major risks of the project.